"*" indicates required fields Terms and Conditions: Fitter Faster Stronger (hereafter known as FFS)Membership Entitlement, Compliance and Conditions (a)COVID-19: The member acknowledges that FFS as a fitness facility is required to allow access under Ministry of Health COVID-19 Guidelines and that only vaccinated members can access the gym in the RED alert levels(b)The member may be entitled during the term of his or her membership to make use of the 24 hour access to the gym, bathroom facilities, and equipment. Failure to use the facilities does not release a member from their payment responsibilities.(c) All members must be a minimum of 14 years of age. Any member under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian co-sign this agreement. (And, in doing so agree to the rules and terms of the membership)(d) If you are under 16 you can use the gym during staffed hours only - and you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.(e) FFS have the right to change staffed hours.(f) FFS has the right to restrict a member’s use due to maintenance.(g) Members agree and understand that they are only permitted to allow themselves and no other member or non-member access into the Gym under any circumstances.(h) The member agrees to give finger print identity each time they visit the gym.(i) The member acknowledges that they have read and will comply with all FFS rules and regulations, & that these rules may be amended from time to time.(j) The member acknowledges that FFS may use Personal Information for the sole purpose of recovering outstanding fees.Video Surveillance:By signing this agreement the member acknowledges and understands that the Gym has 24 hour video surveillance and recording. This is limited to the floor area and is only for security purposes.Unstaffed Hours:FFS operates a 24 hour Gym and is accessible to members only. On signing this agreement the member enters the facility at their own risk. If you feel there is any risk in exercising in unstaffed hours, please do not sign this agreement.Limitation of Liability:(a)Except as provided in the Consumer Guarantee Act 1993,or as provided elsewhere in this agreement, FFS shall not be liable or responsible to the Member for any direct, indirect or consequential injury, illness, loss or damage to the person or the property of the member. In all aspects use of the FFS facilities is at the member’s own risk.(b) The member understands that FFS is providing a recreational service and cannot be held liable for faulty or defective products or equipment. FITTER FASTER STRONGER RULES All members must use their finger print identity each time they visit the gym. Members are not to let any other member or person in to the gym. Members are to use a towel on the equipment. No towel no workout. Members are to respect other members and be considerate of how long they use a piece of equipment. Weights are not to be dropped and that equipment is returned to the correct locations after use. Abusive behaviour, fighting, spitting, or being intoxicated will not be tolerated You must be 14 years or over to use the gym facilities. If you are under 16 a parent/guardian must sign a consent form for you to use the gym. If you are under 16 you can only use the gym during staffed hours, and between 9.30am and 5pm Friday to Sunday, unless when accompanied by a guardian Fully enclosed, and CLEAN footwear must be worn at all times. Please mop up after using the shower facilities * I agree to all terms & conditions listed above PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.